+371 672 01 047 reg@arsdentalclinic.lv

ENDODONTICS – pricelist

This price-list is a guideline only and may change without prior notice.


Endodontic consulting 40.00
Filling one root canal for pulpit (periodontitis) management 55.00
Mechanical and medicamental root canal processing 55.00
Workplace preparation, hygiene materials and ensuring sterility 12.00
Infiltration anaesthesia 13.00
Removal of carious mass, pulp capping, temporary filling 25.00
Processing of root canal using rotary instruments 40.00
Application of koferdam 13.00
Removal of filling from tooth root one canal (filled with cement) 50.00
Removal of amalgam or composite filling 22.00
Removal of a foreign body from frontal tooth root canal 35.00
Light cured pulp cap 25.00
Endodontic services – materials  ….
Root canal treatment during 1 session
1 tooth root canal treatment 180.00
2 tooth root canal treatment 200.00
3 tooth root canal treatment 230.00
4 tooth root canal treatment 250.00
5 tooth root canal treatment 280.00
Root canal treatment during 2 sessions
First root canal treatment session for 1 root canal 120.00
First root canal treatment session for 2 root canals 135.00
First root canal treatment session for 3 root canals 150.00
First root canal treatment session for 4 root canals 170.00
First root canal treatment session for 5 root canals 190.00
Second root canal treatment session for 1 root canal 120.00
Second root canal treatment session for 2 root canals  135.00
Second root canal treatment session for 3 root canals 150.00
Second root canal treatment session for 4 root canals 170.00
Second root canal treatment session for 5 root canals 190.00